It was a well rounded bill featuring some soul singing by Selah.Chick and modern r&b by Ashley Moore. Selah was accompanied by an electric guitarist, while Moore was flanked by backup dancers; clad in what looked to be the manes of lions. However the night was clearly about the lyrical abilities of the assembled few. Fittingly the DJ played the Queen herself earlier in the evening; foreshadowing the events to come. From true school to new school; every era of hip-hop was represented. Notable performances included the return of GoldenSeal, off a 3 year hiatus from their last performance; Get Em' Mamis and their unique brand of dance rap; Lola Monroe performing her new single "Overtime"; and Keys THE PROBLEM showing off her unique brand of entertainment.

The event; which also included speeches by Baltimore City councilwoman Belinda Conaway and the head of Mecca's Place Stephanie S. Franklin on the urgency of monthly mammograms and music inbetween the sets DJ K-META.
Between this event and last week's City of Gods performance; its safe to say the heart that rests beneath the breast of Baltimore rap is beating strong. Be on the lookout for gallery pictures and or video recap of the event.
Korean Abdul Jabbar
Igima - http://www.myspace.com/igima
MERDJ - http://merdj.com/
Get Em' Mamis - www.getemmamis.net/
Selah Chick - www.myspace.com/selahchick
Keys The Problem - http://keystheproblem.yolasite.com/
GoldenSeal - www.gsfreshsince1994.com
Ashley Moore - http://www.myspace.com/ashleymoore08
Lola Monroe - lola-luv.net
92.Q Rap Attack - http://92q.com/schedule/rapattack/rap-attack/
Great write up and I love the name. Thank you to Blue Vision for coming out and capturing the moment.