Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sigmund’s Dope: Power of the P-U-BLI-CIT-Y

Sigmund Dope goes in HARD on this recent blog posted about men in the spot light. So of course I had to share with you...

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Power of the P-U-BLI-CIT-Y (Analyzing the minds of men under scrutiny)

Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! And they call themselves men.

It’s too strong, yes I know. Hard to resist and once a man sticks his “EGO” inside the publicity, its like, busting triple entendres. You see how they act? You see how foolish they get over a little publicity? It’s like lying with a whore that said she was a virgin: you’re pushing, but once you’re in there, you feel first…accomplished…mistakenly triumphant like you’re the only man that made it.

Read the rest after the jump.

And that’s how you get burned. Not everybody is blinded by the gimmicks. You see, I’ve watched men get swooped by the power of the P-U-BLI-CIT-Y. For instance, Kanye re-hashed a Waffle House-of a situation, dating back 50′leven years ago when he basically told Taylor Swift that she wasn’t s#!+ at the MTV Video Music Awards. It had already been scattered, covered, smothered and then smashed. But like a dog, he vomitted and wanted to eat it again. And I hope he got sick. Because I sure did. I thought that maybe he and Michael Vick would have taken one of those Publicity Anonymous classes, you know? Learn a little bit on how to recover and move forward beyond a failing affair with the media? But nah, he smelled a chance to get inside the publicity just one more time, conveniently before the VMA’s this Sunday, and the drop of “Devil in a new dress”…oh yeah and “Monster!” He was thirsty wasn’t he? That’s what we in the south call a man who’s pressed for pleasure: thirsty.


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